Lean Startup

Table of contents

The core of Lean Startup

The core of Lean Startup is a method to quickly learn and see what works and what doesn’t. When you develop an idea, you produce the product and it goes to market. Only then do you know whether things are going right or wrong. The disadvantage here is that you have already spent all the costs.

It works differently at Lean Startup. The innovation process is in fact reversed. An idea is not thought through, it is immediately implemented. The product also goes on the market before the idea is thought out. You therefore start with a prototype of your product and then test it at the customer. The customer gives you feedback and so you can further improve and develop the product.


The benefits of Lean

There are a number of benefits to working with Lean.

  • You lose less time and costs;
  • You make a product or service that the customer wants;
  • You don’t spend time or energy making a business plan, but you experiment.


3 building blocks of the Lean Startup Method

The Lean Startup Method consists of 3 building blocks:

  • Business Model Canvas: Make sure to write down all the hypotheses about a new business idea on;
  • Customer Development: A process to test the hypotheses outside the building.
  • Agile Development/Engineering: Make sure you quickly build a Minimal Product to test the product and market.


STUDIO.WHY helps with Lean Startup

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