LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology: New Comprehensive Guide (2023)

Lego Serious Play methodology

Table of contents

LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology: The Power of Play

Imagine a bustling room, filled with the sound of clicking LEGO bricks and lively conversation. Everyone is deeply engaged, using LEGO to build structures that represent ideas and insights. This isn’t child’s play, it’s LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology (LSP) – a powerful methodology that’s helping to revolutionize, creativity, problem-solving and decision-making in organizations worldwide. But what exactly is LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, and how does it work? Let’s explore.


1. The Origin Story of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology


Diving into the world of LEGO Serious Play (LSP), an innovative method designed for problem-solving and business innovation. It all began in the mid-90s when two IMD professors, Roos and Victor, explored “hand knowledge”. They partnered with LEGO’s owner, Kristiansen, resulting in LSP’s creation in 2002. LSP utilizes LEGO bricks to build a tangible representation of business problems, sparking engaging discussions and creative solutions. Through play, teams unlock deeper understanding and enhanced creativity. It’s a remarkable approach, adopted by organizations worldwide.


2. LEGO SERIOUS PLAY: A Game Changer

Why LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology

You might be wondering why LEGO SERIOUS PLAY should be adopted in a professional setting. Well, it’s because LSP breaks down communication barriers and boosts creative thinking, enabling everyone in the room to contribute meaningfully. From strategic planning to personal development, LSP can be employed at various levels within an organization, often leading to a fresh perspective on established ideas.


3. The Tools of the Trade: LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Methodology

LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology (2)

The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology is underpinned by a four-step process:

  1. Pose the Question
  2. Build the Answer
  3. Share Knowledge
  4. Reflect on the Shared Knowledge

In a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop, everyone actively participates, sharing stories, and reflecting upon the models they’ve built with LEGO bricks. It’s a tactile and visual way of representing abstract concepts, helping to facilitate discussion and foster mutual understanding.


4. Guiding the Process: The Role of the Facilitator


The facilitator is instrumental in a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop. They guide the participants through the process, encourage engagement, manage dynamics, and ensure that the outcomes align with the goals of the session. Skilled facilitation is the key to unlocking the full potential of the LSP method.


5. Embracing Change: LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology and Organizational Transformation


Organizational change can be daunting, but it’s an integral part of business growth and evolution. LSP facilitates dialogue around change, helps in identifying potential challenges, and enables teams to collaboratively devise strategies for managing change. The tangible nature of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY encourages participants to visualize different scenarios, aiding decision-making and problem-solving in a group context.


6. Unleashing Collective Wisdom: Valuing Employee Knowledge and Experience


Your employees are your biggest asset. Their unique experiences, knowledge, and skills can provide invaluable insights. LSP is designed to ensure every voice is heard, empowering individuals to contribute their unique perspectives, and fostering an environment where all ideas are valued and explored.


7. Building Together: Team Development through LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology


Effective teams are built on mutual understanding, shared objectives, and strong communication. Through LSP workshops, team members come together to express their thoughts, understand their roles, and align on common goals. The benefits of participating in a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshop extend beyond the workshop itself, leading to improved team collaboration, communication, and a heightened sense of belonging.


8. Telling Your Story: Organizational Storytelling with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology

LEGO SERIOUS PLAY storytelling

Stories give meaning to who we are, what we do, and why we do it. LSP aids in effective organizational storytelling, allowing members to visualize and understand the organization’s purpose, vision, and strategic objectives. Through this process, everyone becomes an active participant in shaping and sharing the organizational narrative.


9. Achieving Success: The Impact of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology on Organizations


By fostering engagement, creativity, and strategic alignment, LSP can significantly contribute to the success of an organization. Whether it’s refining strategy or improving team dynamics, tailored LSP workshops can help organizations overcome various challenges and achieve their objectives.


10. The Diversity of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology: Types of Workshops


LSP isn’t one-size-fits-all. There are a range of different workshops that can be organized depending on the specific needs of an organization. This might include strategy development sessions, team-building workshops, or personal development programs. Each workshop is unique, ensuring it meets the needs of the participants and aligns with the objectives of the organization.


11. Skills Enhancement with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology


LEGO SERIOUS PLAY isn’t just about problem-solving; it also contributes to skill development. Participants can improve their communication skills, enhance their creativity, and boost their problem-solving abilities. Plus, the process promotes the use of different senses, fostering a rich, multi-faceted approach to understanding and learning.

Innovation Tips

Group Bonding and Understanding through LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology

By promoting an open and honest exchange of ideas, LSP encourages mutual understanding and group bonding. Everyone has the opportunity to express their thoughts freely, ensuring all ideas are heard and considered. This can lead to a more inclusive, cohesive group dynamic that benefits both the individual and the organization.


LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology in Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

One of the key benefits of LSP is its contribution to decision-making and problem-solving. By physically building models and visualizing different scenarios, participants can explore a range of solutions to complex problems. This hands-on approach often leads to innovative solutions and helps participants feel more engaged and invested in the outcomes.



Summary: Unleashing Potential with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology


In conclusion, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is a dynamic, innovative approach to problem-solving, communication, and team building. Whether you’re navigating organizational change, wanting to maximize the potential of your team, or seeking to foster a more inclusive and creative workplace culture, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY can offer a powerful, engaging solution.

Through this comprehensive guide, we hope you’ve gained a deep understanding of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, its applications, benefits, and the key role it can play in organizational success. Remember, everyone can contribute to the discussion, the decisions, and the outcome. This is the power of play. This is the power of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY.

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