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The user statement canvas is a tool used to define a specific problem or challenge by narrowing down a large amount of information into concrete statements about a target audience.

What is the user statement canvas?

The user statement canvas is a tool used to define a specific problem or challenge by narrowing down a large amount of information into concrete statements about a target audience.


Why to use the user statement canvas?

The user statement canvas is used to quickly and effectively identify important insights about a target audience, and to use those insights to create compelling and relevant questions for further research and problem-solving.


When to use the user statement canvas?

The user statement canvas should be used when time is limited and a clear and specific problem or challenge needs to be defined.


How to use the user statement canvas?

To use the user statement canvas, first review all defined insights and select the one that is most important to the target audience and potentially relevant to the organization. Next, turn that insight into a target audience statement, ensuring that the statement is well-worded. Then, brainstorm questions beginning with “How Can We” using words from the statement to create an engaging question. Afterwards, establish a goal or objective to achieve with the question. Finally, brainstorm individually and rank the questions based on importance with a team. Choose the top questions to focus on for solving the problem.

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