Navigating the New Normal with Miro: A Design Thinking Approach to Workplace Adaptation at Waterschap Vallei & Veluwe


Waterschap Vallei & Veluwe faced the challenge of safely facilitating collaboration within their offices as the government began to ease Covid-19 pandemic measures. During the lockdown, remote work became the new norm, and the organization had to adapt to this change for almost two months. With the possibility of returning to the office, the organization grappled with questions about safety measures, compliance with national policies, productivity, and maintaining social and welfare aspects.

Collaborative Vision on Workplace Adoption


STUDIO.WHY proposed a Design Thinking approach to address the unpredictable nature of the “new normal” in the workplace. They suggested forming a core team of 13 employees from Waterschap Vallei & Veluwe to work as a project team. STUDIO.WHY would guide this team through various phases of the process to develop solutions that cater to the needs of both employees and management. This process could be facilitated entirely online with Miro, but physical meetings would be considered if deemed safe and necessary later on.


At the end of the designated sprint, the following results were achieved:

Development of one or more concepts based on insights, experiments, and tested prototypes.
A departure document provided by the client to guide the direction of these concepts.
Recommendations for the implementation of the concepts.
Transfer of all insights, ideas, and concepts to the client.
Ten team members, the “godfathers” (client team), and other indirectly involved parties experienced the value of using design thinking to derive solutions beneficial for end-users.
Team members gained experience in facilitating online innovation projects with Miro, which they could apply to their daily work.
Enhanced collaboration between colleagues from different departments.

Showcase Innovation

"In just six sessions, we, a team of 13, took an agile and people-focused approach to shape the future of hybrid working within the water board. We not only envisioned our workplace for 2027 but also set concrete actions and experiments to bring that vision to life. Every decision was aligned with the overarching direction and long-term ambitions of the entire Waterschap organization."

- Ramona Bogerd-van der Haar - Trajectleider Werkplaats2027 remote werken Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe

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