Rotterdam – LEGO Serious Play workshops


As many large cities, Rotterdam is the home for many children. Among them are quite a few who don’t have the luck to grow up in a safe and caring environment. Many organizations work to make the lives of these children better. Based on big data, the city started a program to align these efforts in order to make more impact. How do we make involved professionals aware of the bigger picture and the activities of other parties concerning this topic?

Rotterdam LSP challenge
Rotterdam LSP solution


STUDIO.WHY was asked to help out. We designed and executed various workshops based on the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology. 10-20 participants representing various organizations like schools, childcare, police, youth workers, social workers and the city itself, joined workshops with the colorful bricks. They got to know each other by playing scenarios and designing better solutions to cope with the many challenges.


After the workshops we got feedback like:

  • What a joy to play with LEGO® and learn so much about others at the same time.
  • I was not aware that procedures have so much impact on our partners in this area.
  • Why can’t we play a little longer and do another scenario?

This program ran for over two years and involved over 300 professionals who are now more aware of their role as part of the ecosystem.

De Rolf Groep result

""Excellent facilitation and clear steps with this method.""

- Rotterdam, awareness through LEGO Serious Play

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