Facilitation methods to facilitate group discussions, problem-solving, and innovation
There are several facilitation methods that can be used to facilitate group discussions, problem-solving, and innovation, including LEGO Serious Play, Design Thinking, Open Space Technology, and World Café. Each of these methods has its own unique approach and can be customized to fit the needs of a particular group or situation.
Problem statement examples to develop a successful innovation
Creating a customer problem statement can help an organization to better understand the needs and challenges faced by its customers and to develop solutions that address those issues effectively.
How to use Design Thinking to create solutions that meet the needs of users and stakeholders in a creative and effective way
Design thinking is a valuable approach for creating solutions that meet the needs of users and stakeholders in a creative and effective way. It is used in a wide range of industries and contexts, including product design, business strategy, marketing, and more.
Become a more resilient organizations by cultivating these characteristics
By cultivating these characteristics, organizations can become more resilient and better equipped to handle external challenges and disruptions.
13 inspiring quotes about learning new skills
It’s important to keep learning in times where changes are moving fast. It’s also important to inspire others to keep learning. Here are 13 quotes about learning new skills:
10 famous collaboration quotes that will inspire you
Famous collaboration quotes that inspire because they contain words of wisdom that motivate and encourage us to think differently or take action.
Mindset, skillset, and toolset for entrepreneurial design thinking
The mindset, skillset, and toolset for entrepreneurial design thinking involve a combination of attitudes, abilities, and resources that enable individuals and organizations to effectively solve complex problems and drive innovation.
Innovation quotes
Innovation quotes can inspire because they often contain words of wisdom that can motivate and encourage us to think differently or take action.
How can a hackathon bring valuable benefits to organizations?
Hackathons can provide a number of valuable benefits for organizations by fostering innovation, building teamwork and collaboration, and helping to develop new products and solutions
How the Dutch Design Deltas simplify complex challenges
Learn a process that combines empathy, creativity, and a focus on value creation to help businesses and organizations solve problems
How do empathy and innovation foster a more collaborative and inclusive work environment?
Empathy is an important component of effective innovation because it helps teams to better understand and respond to the needs of their customers and stakeholders, leading to more relevant and effective solutions.
How does an entrepreneurial mindset within organizations help to stay competitive?
How to stay competitive by inventing new and better ways to adapt to change, solve problems, and create new opportunities?