Encouraging citizen initiative around climate adaptation


Climate change is an urgent issue to which we need to act, fast. People need to adjust and do damage control. In the matter of climate adaption, the government mostly focuses outwards in stead of inwards. Practice what you preach!

Together with the Dutch province of North Brabant we organized (once again) a hackathon that lasted for 5 days in a row. One of the challenge for this hackathon was:

How might we have city residents develop climate adaptive initiatives so that city counties and provincial departments are enthusiastic about participating?

Fotografie door @[202563679830349:van den Oord fotografie]
Fotografie door @[202563679830349:van den Oord fotografie]


In collaboration with the province of Noord-Brabant we organized a 5 day hackathon. During fully immersive learning experience 40 participants followed the steps of Design Thinking to come up with innovative solutions for social challenges. In the end the team with best idea won €1500,- to develop their concept further.


After 5 days the team working on this challenge pitched their concept to the judges. The province decided to move forward with this idea and continue working on it together.

Fotografie door @[202563679830349:van den Oord fotografie]

"Oh The Innovation Games are so fun! It's amazing! If could do it again, I would definitely do it!"

- Eva & Jur - Participants Living Lab hackathon

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