Ministry of Defence – Talent development program to realize innovations


With the talent development program IDEA! the Ministry of Defence wants to give talents more space and opportunity to use their capabilities. An internal training of ten months that teaches employees to act proactively at a strategic level. Groups of sixteen participants each work on their own innovation challenge in which they attend various lectures and workshops. STUDIO.WHY was requested to facilitate the innovation-training and supervision of their innovation projects.

Ministerie van Defensie Design Thinking Training
Prototyping with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY


STUDIO.WHY provides five workshop days to guide participants of IDEA in their innovation assignment.

Day 1: Introduction to Design Thinking
By means of a fictional case, participants learn the steps of Design Thinking.

Day 2: Start your own project
Participants define their own project, draw up frameworks and make a stakeholder analysis. In addition, they prepare initial discussions with stakeholders

Day 3: Intervision
We look at how the project is progressing, what they encounter and what it takes to move forward

Day 4: Defining opportunities
After the first research phase, where stakeholder interviews were conducted, an opportunity direction is now being determined; what exactly is the problem and how can we solve it?

Day 5: Develop concepts
The first solutions are developed in the form of concepts and a low-fidelity prototype


Participants of IDEA! gained insight into the different stakeholders of their project and had several conversations with colleagues and stakeholders to properly map out their problem.

In some cases they found out that their initial problem was not the real problem at all and so they shifted their focus to the underlying problem.

In other cases, they could use creative thinking to come up with multiple solutions to the problem that they could further develop and test in practice during the remaining period of the talent development programme.

The contribution of STUDIO.WHY to the program was rated as one of the best valued elements, so the number of groups that participate in IDEA! is increased.

Utrecht, 25 mei 2022,
Portret fotos van het talenten ontwikkelingsprogamma.

"I learned to look critically at an issue; first to go back to the core and to look at an issue from different angles. I often see around me that a problem is invented for a solution. Then you can also ask yourself if there really is a problem. That is why it is so important to be in contact with everyone. Innovation starts with the people themselves. Someone can come up with something, but if it is not supported, nothing will happen."

- Annabelle Naafs

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