Utilization of rainwater


Three municipalities in the Netherlands were looking for an activity to get schoolchildren aware about and involved in solutions to cope with climate change. We organized the Kids Climate Festival with 4 challenges. One of these challenges was:

How might we ensure that utilize rainwater in a way that there are no more fluddings or shortages?

In theory there is always enough water for everyone in the Netherlands. Unfortunately we don’t handle our water good enough. Due to the growing amount of stones and pavement in our streets and gardens, water can’t go anywhere but the sewers. Sewers can’t handle this amount of water.

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For the Kids Climate Festival in de city of Alphen-Chaam/Baarle-Nassau/Gilze-Rijen we organised 4 challenges. In a total of 40 kids between the ages of 10 and 12 came up with solutions for the 4 different challenges, going through the Dutch Design Deltas. We adapted the program to make it more suitable for the kids. One of them was that we organized a market place where the kids could meet experts and do little tests to experience how things really work.


In 1 day the teams working on this challenge came up with a solution to store rainwater in gardens and at the school playground. The city officials were amazed by the simplicity of a powerful solution, and the way of thinking of these schoolchildren.

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"Amazing that kids of this age can be so inspiring. They help us to look at things from a different perspective."

- City official - Jury member

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