Free webinars

Making connections is one of our core values

We would like to connect with you and share the lessons we learned.
There are currently no events.

What we do

You like to know more about some innovation-related topics but don’t want to jump into a full training right away, a webinar might be a good first step. At STUDIO.WHY we offer interactive webinars:

  • one hour
  • live webinars, no recordings
  • interactive, so you will contribute too, as we believe that you learn most form experience
  • various languages, various time zones
We offer various webinars in different languages. Visit the portfolio page to check other languages.

No two journeys are the same. In fact, we’ve designed it that way.

At high speed I stayed fascinated and learned so much!
Business Consultant KPN, 
Organizing and executing an interactive webinar for 600 people, you can rely on STUDIO.WHY


Besides our offering for open registration webinars we can also design a tailor made program.
Don’t hesitate to contact us so we can help you and explore what approach suits you best!

STUDIO.WHY International

Kees Froeling
+31 6 190 17 538

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